Airlock Systems

Robust and Reliable Airlock Systems

Having both used and analysed most of the cabin airlock systems available over the years, mECaNaKa are well placed to design and develop these products. We pride ourselves on making our products easy to use and easy to maintain. We also build them to meet the tough regulations that are in place in the various countries that they are used in today.
In 2008, we set about developing a connection system that would prove to be one of the most robust and reliable in use today. ABS was chosen over aluminium for the extrusions & moulded parts, as aluminium tends to bend and deform more easily with aggressive use. These have proven to be extremely efficient in the hiring of airlocks, as they tend to need less maintenance when they have been used on site. The cabin system is an ideal solution for jobs where there are space constraints for mobile units.
Without the need for any tools, our quick to construct, clip together panels, allow for your airlock to be ready for use in a fraction of the time. Due to the lack of attached parts, our airlocks allow for easy cleaning and pack flat for storage and transportation, making it easier for you and your staff.
Using our knowledge and experience with airlock systems we are now proud to present a new product into our ASTROCAB range, combining the practicability of our cabin systems into new innovative Welfare facilities.

Contact us for further information